Coffeeangel And Dunsany Estate Sign Irish Biodiversity Deal

By Robert McHugh
Coffeeangel And Dunsany Estate Sign Irish Biodiversity Deal

Irish specialty coffee group Coffeeangel has signed a deal with the Dunsany Estate, in Co. Meath, and Irish clean-tech company Bionua, which will see it commit 5% of its profits over the next five years to buying biodiversity credits.

This is the first time that such a deal has been completed in Ireland, and only the second time across Europe, after Swedbank’s purchase of biodiversity credits in 2023.

‘Biodiversity Benefits’

“We are very proud and delighted to invest 5% of Coffeeangel’s profits with Bionua to support the biodiversity benefits via the continued rewilding of Dunsany Nature Reserve over the next five years,” said Karl Purdy, CEO of Coffeeangel.

“Doing so will allow us to practically, tangibly and verifiably offset our carbon impact.”

Dunsany Estate

Dunsany Estate, in Co. Meath, spans back to the eleventh century and covers a vast area of 1,600 acres (650 hectares).


Within this expanse, approximately 750 acres (300 hectares) have been dedicated to rewilding, forming the core of the Dunsany Nature Reserve.

The first year of this deal with Coffeeangel will represent the removal and storage of a minimum of 80,000 kilograms of harmful carbon from the atmosphere at Dunsany Nature Reserve, and the direct involvement in the protection and enhancement of its unique biodiversity habitat above and below ground, which includes flora and fauna.

‘Green Nation’

“I am very proud of this initiative and the model we have created with Bionua and Coffeeangel,” said Lord Dunsany, of the Dunsany Estate.

“I’m especially proud that it is an Irish collaboration. We are, after all, the green nation, and today it feels a whole lot greener.”

AI Technology

Bionua deploys its technology to monitor nature in real time, producing scientifically backed data.


Driven by AI, it utilises a combination of satellite multispectral imaging and ground-based sensors to accurately quantify carbon sequestration and biodiversity, both above and below ground.

Biodiversity Credits

Bionua connects corporate organisations and SMEs with landowners and deploys its tech to produce biodiversity credits.

The lands, under long-term stewardship agreements, are dedicated solely to enhancing biodiversity and capturing carbon, using entirely natural processes and adhering strictly to a policy of causing no harm.

‘Environmental Challenges’

“As pioneers of the Irish specialty coffee scene, we understand the environmental challenges that our industry faces and that we have a responsibility to tackle these,” said Coffeeangel’s Purdy.

“Coffeeangel has always had a long-standing commitment to sustainability, whether that is using renewable-sourced energy to run our shops, using locally produced, fully recyclable packaging, or launching social initiatives like our #YourCupOurFuture programme.”