Bar Sales Rise in Volume and Value

By Steve Wynne-Jones
Bar Sales Rise in Volume and Value

On-trade sales rose in both value and volume in September compared to the same month last year, according to the latest figures released by the CSO.

The CSO Retail Sales Index showed that bar sales increased their volume sales by 5.8 per cent, while value of sales increased by six per cent. However, sales were down in both categories compared to August.

Compared to the previous month, bar sales fell by 2.0 per cent in value and 1.6 per cent in volume, perhaps due to the slowdown after the busy summer season.

Pubs, like hotels and restaurants, have seen the benefits of a recovering economy and an increased tourism presence in the country. The VFI recently claimed that a record year in Irish tourism has helped create an additional 5,000 seasonal pub jobs.

The Retail Sales Index revealed a marginal increase retail sales for September and an 8.6 per cent annual increase.