Dublin's Clarence Hotel Voices Concern About College Green Redevelopment

By Dave Simpson
Dublin's Clarence Hotel Voices Concern About College Green Redevelopment

A document filed with An Bord Pleanála by the Clarence Hotel has expressed concerns over the potential impact of traffic changes in the property's vicinity due to the proposed redevelopment of College Green into a civic plaza.

According to The Irish Independent, management at The Clarence is specifically concerned about how increased public transport traffic on Parliament Street will affect the local environment.

The document, which is signed by the Clarence's general manager, Michael O'Connor, states, "The nature of the traffic will change during the week; it will be made up exclusively of taxis and double decker buses. The latter have the potential to cause diesel fumes and vibration."

The hotel is also concerned about how new traffic arrangements will impact both guest parking and deliveries to the premises. However, the document also concedes, "We accept that the scheme has the potential to create benefits for the Temple Bar area by greatly enhancing the amenity and the attractiveness of the area for Dubliners and visitors."

Lead architect of the College Green redevelopment project Paul Keogh asserted, "We are aiming to create 'Dublin's living room' - a place that is safe, adaptable and friendly for people of all ages, both for everyday social interaction and for major public events, comparable with world-class spaces of similar scale internationally."

Last December, the Clarence Hotel, co-owned by U2 duo Bono and The Edge, recorded a sizeable profit for the sixth successive year, generating €434,228 profit in 2015.