Accommodation Shortage in Dublin Could Limit Tourism: Fáilte Ireland

By Steve Wynne-Jones
Accommodation Shortage in Dublin Could Limit Tourism: Fáilte Ireland

A report commissioned by Fáilte Ireland has revealed that Dublin will face an ongoing shortage of accommodation from 2016-2018, despite new hotels in the pipeline.

The Analysis of Visitor Accommodation in Dublin study, carried out by consultants Fitzpatrick Associates on behalf of the tourism body, said that this shortage poses a threat to tourism in the nation's capital, limiting visitor numbers which have been growing rapidly in the past three or four years.

While some 5,550 extra bedrooms are expected to be added in the city from projects that are underway or are in the planning phase, most of these won't come to fruition until 2018 or later, before which accommodation will become extremely sparse.

Commenting on the report, Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Patrick O’Donovan said: "Minister Ross and I welcome the detailed analysis provided by this report and will be considering the recommendations in consultation with the relevant tourism and State bodies.

"While I note the report's findings that suggest the accommodation capacity pressures in our capital may ease from 2019 on, there are serious challenges in the intervening period. It is vitally important that we keep the focus on value and competitiveness.


"We must remember that, since seven out of ten visitors to Ireland will stay in Dublin at some stage in their trip, whether it is their sole destination or a gateway to the rest of the country, the issues outlined in this report have a national impact."

The report made a number of recommendations to alleviate the problem, including placing a greater emphasis on market trends, making planning permission for new projects a faster process with city officials, and improving tourism initiatives and transport to destinations outside of Dublin.

Fáilte Ireland Chairman Michael Cawley, added: “The report indicates that there are a potential extra 5,500 bedrooms due to come on-stream but even these are not guaranteed and it is imperative that we do all that we can to facilitate them.

“It is imperative that any unnecessary roadblocks to a greater accommodation supply are dealt with. For our part, the Fáilte Ireland Authority have recently signed off on revisions to the existing hotel regulations – as recommended by today’s report - which will allow for greater flexibility for existing and new operators while providing standards in line with our overseas competitors.

"I would ask other interested parties in Dublin to look to where they can play their part in implementing the report’s recommendations so we may fully realise the revenue and jobs which tourism has the potential to provide.”