Virgin Atlantic Close To $230m Sale And Leaseback Deal For Two Planes

By Dave Simpson
Virgin Atlantic Close To $230m Sale And Leaseback Deal For Two Planes

Richard Branson's airline Virgin Atlantic, which has been hammered by the COVID-19 pandemic, is close to finalising a deal to raise just over $230 million from two planes, enabling it to repay a loan taken on as part of its rescue deal last year.

COVID-19 restrictions stopped significant levels of travel on Virgin's main UK to US routes during 2020, bringing the airline to its knees. To survive the crisis, it shed almost half of its 10,000 workforce and underwent a "solvent recapitalisation" last September.

The latest phase of that plan is the sale and leaseback of two planes with Griffin Global Asset Management which a source close to the company said is on schedule to complete this week, and will raise just over $230 million for the airline.

"On closing, this financing opportunity regarding two of our 787s will allow us to pay down debt and further improve our cash position going into 2021," a Virgin Atlantic spokesperson said in a statement.

Most airlines have been forced to cut staff and take on new debts to try to survive the last 10 months when flying has been at historically low levels. EasyJet has also sold off dozens of aircraft under sale and leaseback deals.


During the crisis, Virgin, which is 51% owned by Richard Branson's Virgin Group and 49% owned by the US's Delta Air Lines Inc, has turned to cargo-only flying to boost its finances, with annual revenues in that part of the group being up 49% on 2019.

The airline said in its statement that it is seeing the gradual return of customer demand for travel in 2021, and will fly approximately 30% of its capacity in January, but could need to take further action financially.

Continuing "To Explore Financing Opportunities"

"We continue to explore financing opportunities to strengthen our balance sheet," the spokesman said.

News by Reuters, edited by Hospitality Ireland. Click subscribe to sign up for the Hospitality Ireland print edition.