Tourism Ireland Leads First Ever Sales Mission To Qatar

By Dave Simpson
Tourism Ireland Leads First Ever Sales Mission To Qatar

Seven tourism companies from Ireland have joined Tourism Ireland’s first ever sales mission to Qatar this week. The three-day sales mission involves a series of sales calls and networking events in Doha, where the participating tourism companies have the opportunity to network with, and sell to, influential travel professionals based in Qatar.

Among the GCC countries, Qatar is a growing market for Irish tourism and this received a significant boost in 2017 when Qatar Airways launched its new daily flight between Doha and Dublin. This week’s sales mission provides a useful opportunity to highlight the ease of access from Qatar to Ireland.

“We are delighted to be in Doha this week and to have the opportunity to showcase the island of Ireland to influential Qatari travel professionals,” said Aisling McDermott, Tourism Ireland’s Manager Asia. “Our world-class horse-racing and golf, as well as screen tourism – and, in particular, our connections with Star Wars and Game of Thrones – have helped raise the profile of the island of Ireland in the GCC in recent years. In 2018, Tourism Ireland will continue to promote the distinctiveness of a holiday in Ireland and the ease of access with the direct Qatar Airways flight from Doha to Dublin.”