Sodexo Ireland Gives Suppliers A Net-Zero Progress Deadline

By Robert McHugh
Sodexo Ireland Gives Suppliers A Net-Zero Progress Deadline

Sodexo Ireland has announced the launch of its net-zero supply chain engagement strategy.

From January 2030, the company noted that it will only work with suppliers demonstrating ‘tangible progress’ through published reporting.

Supply Partners

The foodservices and facilities management business works with 400 supply partners in Ireland, spending €70 million annually with them.

Sodexo has committed to providing its supply partners with mentoring and support to help them meet their net-zero milestones.

‘Impactful Reductions’

“We are so proud of the extensive and diverse supply chain we have built – we genuinely work with some incredible businesses, big and small,” said Aoife Wycherley, head of supply chain, Sodexo UK and Ireland.


“Their response to this challenge and to our offer of mentoring and other support has been positive, and we feel confident that this road map will deliver evermore impactful reductions in emissions.”

Grace Period

Around 70% of Sodexo’s supply chain in Ireland and the UK is made up of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs), most of which cannot be expected to have teams dedicated to sustainability or afford consultancy support.

Sodexo noted that it is offering support where these organisations are experiencing challenges, to help them complete the work needed to hit the milestones. For example, Sodexo in Ireland and the UK has introduced a two-year grace period for SMEs and VCSEs needing extra help to complete some of the requirements.

Carbon Reduction Plan

Being implemented first is the milestone that requires Sodexo suppliers representing 75% of its supply chain emissions to provide a detailed annual carbon reduction plan, identifying opportunities for collaboration and areas of improvement, while also reporting on Scope 1 and 2 emissions, at a minimum.

“We have always known that this is not going to be easy. It will be hugely complex and will require an enormous collective effort throughout our entire value chain,” said Wycherley.