Ryanair Steps Up Legal Action Against 'Screenscraper' Site

By Steve Wynne-Jones
Ryanair Steps Up Legal Action Against 'Screenscraper' Site

Ryanair has seen progress in its legal action against Google and online booking agent eDreams, after it initiated proceedings this week.

It is the latest in a series of moves Ryanair has made against so-called 'screenscraper' sites, which the airline claims are using "misleading" advertising on Google leading customers to overpay for flights.

The websites are placed above Ryanair's own website on Google searches which is leading to "numerous" customers buying through these third-party sites, the carrier claims.

After initiating High Court proceedings against Google and eDreams this week, the latter has agreed to change the wording of its Google search ad. The previous ad, which read: “Ryanair: cheap flights” was misleading, claimed Ryanair, saying customers are tricked into believing it is the Ryanair home site.

Kenny Jacobs, Ryanair's chief marketing officer, has welcomed the change, but added: “While this is a step in the right direction, our campaign will continue until these deceptive practices are fully eradicated.”

In response, eDreams said that the proceedings are "“clearly just another attempt from Ryanair to stop on-line travel agencies from offering consumers the best price and choice when it comes to booking flights”.