Minister Brendan Griffin Meets With Working Group For New Tourism Plan For Dingle Peninsula

By Dave Simpson
Minister Brendan Griffin Meets With Working Group For New Tourism Plan For Dingle Peninsula

Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Brendan Griffin joined with the new working group established to progress Fáilte Ireland’s Visitor Experience Development Plan for the Dingle Peninsula as they met in Brenners Hotel, Dingle, this week.

The new Visitor Experience Development Plan will ultimately enable continued growth in visitor numbers, dwell time and spend, helping to extend the tourism season and spread business across all parts of the peninsula. Similar plans have been developed successfully for the Skellig Coast, and for the Burren and Cliffs of Moher, as well as for Connemara and the Aran islands.

Commenting on the plan, Griffin said, “Kerry has already benefitted enormously from the Wild Atlantic Way but we need to continue to harness its potential and focus on trying to grow and build on that success year on year with new projects and initiatives.”

With members including Kerry County Council, Údurás Na Gaeltachta and a range of local tourism stakeholders, the Working Group will play an active role in developing and collaboratively guiding the Visitor Experience Development Plan and its implementation.