Fáilte Ireland Launches Campaign To Attract Tourism Sector Staff

By Dave Simpson
Fáilte Ireland Launches Campaign To Attract Tourism Sector Staff

Fáilte Ireland has announced, in a statement published on its website, that it has launched a new €700,000 national marketing campaign titled ‘Works for Me’ – the aim of which is to attract more people, across all ages and demographics, to jobs in the tourism industry.


According to the statement published on FailteIreland.ie, the campaign will target new demographics of potential staff members, with a particular focus on retirees and parents, who – according to Fáilte Ireland’s research – are seeking flexible working arrangements and patterns.

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, tourism accounted for 260,000 jobs in Ireland and provided as many as one in five in some counties, according to Fáilte Ireland.

Statement By Fáilte Ireland’s CEO

The statement published on FailteIreland.ie included one from its CEO, Paul Kelly, wherein he said, “Tourism plays a critical part in creating sustainable local communities across regional and rural Ireland. It economically sustains infrastructure, businesses, natural environments, arts and culture, but the immediate recruitment and skills challenges are inhibiting the sector’s recovery.

“There are brilliant career opportunities available across the industry at the moment, and the launch of today’s campaign will help to drive awareness of the breadth and variety of roles, as well as the flexibility and progression they can offer potential candidates.


“Tourism is a critical part of the national economy, and driving the sector’s future prosperity is a key strategic priority for Fáilte Ireland. We have a comprehensive programme in place to support the industry, to address their immediate recruitment challenges, as well as ensuring the sector can attract the talent and skills it needs to grow and thrive into the future.”

Statement By Fáilte Ireland’s Director Of Sector Development

The statement published on FailteIreland.ie also included one from its director of sector development, Jenny de Saulles, wherein she said, “The current staffing and skills shortage in tourism and hospitality is heightened as we head into the busy summer season – which is often the only time that is feasible for smaller businesses to operate. Fáilte Ireland is working closely with the industry on a range of initiatives to help businesses access a greater range of potential candidates, stand out in a competitive market, and rebuild skills that have been lost during the pandemic. The campaign we have devised will be key to unlocking potential staff by showcasing how working in the industry suits a wide range of lifestyles. We know that many businesses across the sector have had good success in hiring these potential employees who are looking for flexibility.”

Additional Information

The statement published on FailteIreland.ie added that the organisation has developed a tourism career tool kit, which includes hiring tips from recruitment experts, bespoke digital assets, resources on expert interviewing and staff onboarding, and more. It is available at failteireland.ie/tourism-careers-toolkit/.

© 2022 Hospitality Ireland – your source for the latest industry news. Article by Dave Simpson. Click subscribe to sign up for the Hospitality Ireland print edition.