Australian Travel Agents Take Fact-Finding Trip To Northern Ireland

By Dave Simpson
Australian Travel Agents Take Fact-Finding Trip To Northern Ireland

A group of award-winning travel agents from Australia has been visiting Northern Ireland this week with Magellan Travel Group. They were here as guests of Tourism Ireland, Tourism Northern Ireland and Etihad Airways.

The travel agents – who all won a place on the fact-finding trip to Northern Ireland at the annual Magellan Travel Awards – are in Northern Ireland to experience some of the many attractions and experiences on offer for Australian visitors so that, when they return home, they will be better informed to advise their clients when planning and booking their holidays to Northern Ireland.

The group took a trip along the Causeway Coastal Route, stopping off at various Game of Thrones locations such as Ballygally, Carnlough, Cushendun and Ballintoy. They also spent time at the Giant’s Causeway and in Belfast, where they visited the Ulster Museum and Titanic Belfast.

“We are delighted to have the opportunity to showcase Northern Ireland to this group of top Australian travel agents,” said Sofia Hansson, Tourism Ireland’s Manager Australia. “There is really no substitute for being able to come here and experience what Northern Ireland has to offer at first-hand. Our aim is that when these travel agents return home, they will be really enthusiastic about the destination, helping to secure a greater share of their business for Northern Ireland.”