Athrú Event To Discuss Gender Roles In Hospitality Sector

By Publications Checkout
Athrú Event To Discuss Gender Roles In Hospitality Sector

Athrú, a two-day conference and workshop aimed at empowering women in culinary arts and discussing gender roles within the hospitality sector, will host its inaugural event in Galway on 18 July.

Speakers include Seamus Sheridan of Sheridan's cheesemonger, UCC Culinary History lecturer Regina Sexton, Birgitta Curtin of Burren Smokehouse and Maria Canabal of the Parabere Forum.

Discussing the aim of the event, Canabal said: "Currently, it's obvious that women are under-represented in the food and hospitality industry. Women's voices need to be heard and their talents deployed, so that we can boost confidence in the food sector, and construct a vision of the future based on values of sustainability and equal opportunity."

It's hoped that the event will establish a database of Irish female chefs that can be used for judging, in the media, and to provide a female point of view and voice on topics when needed.

Jess Murphy of Kai Cafe + Restaurant and one of Athrú's founders added: 'This is a very necessary conference to happen. We need to build a stronger voice across the culinary arts. We just want to ensure that we are doing everything possible to get an equal playing field for both men and women working inside kitchens and within the hospitality sector."

Check out Hospitality Ireland's report on the gender question in Ireland's top kitchens by clicking here.