Aer Lingus is seeking volunteers to take unpaid leave and career breaks, causing fears to rise that redundancies are imminent at the airline.
"Cabin Crew Resouce Surpluses"
According to The Irish Independent, just over 50 cabin crew members have opted for voluntary severance, and Aer Lingus has said that it is continuing to work on "cabin crew resource surpluses".
Overstaffing Problems In Other Areas
Other parts of Aer Lingus are also reportedly facing overstaffing problems due to the ongoing collapse in air and passenger traffic that is being caused by continuing COVID-19 pandemic, and there is concern that the €150 million loan that the airline received from Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF) will not be sufficient to prevent job losses.
© 2021 Hospitality Ireland – your source for the latest industry news. Article by Dave Simpson. Click subscribe to sign up for the Hospitality Ireland print edition.