27,000 Visitors Expected For 2024 Aer Lingus College Football Classic

By Robert McHugh
27,000 Visitors Expected For 2024 Aer Lingus College Football Classic

Dublin is set to welcome 27,000 international fans for the 2024 Aer Lingus College Football Classic sell-out game taking place on August 24 in the Aviva Stadium.

Over 25,000 Americans will travel to Dublin to watch the highly anticipated match between Georgia Tech and Florida State University

'Unique Atmosphere'

"We are thrilled to once again showcase the very best of college football here in Dublin," said Padraic O’Kane, director and co-founder of the Aer Lingus College Football Classic.

“The passion and excitement that this event generates is truly remarkable, and we are delighted to welcome fans from all over the world to experience the unique atmosphere of a game day in Ireland."

Sold Out

The 2024 Aer Lingus College Football Classic game is officially a sell-out with over 47,000 tickets sold.


According to Grant Thornton’s Post-Game Economic Impact Reports, last year’s game between Navy and Notre Dame (Fighting Irish) generated a record €180 million for the local Irish economy.

The €180m economic impact figure provides a calculation based on factual data and analysis.


However, the organisers believe this represents a conservative estimate.

In reality, it is believed the true value of the 2023 Aer Lingus College Football Classic extends far beyond this figure.


Combined with the estimated €53.5 million impact of the 2022 Classic between the University of Nebraska and Northwestern University, and a projected economic impact in excess of €115 million for this year’s game, the first three games in this initial five-game series are set to contribute over €350 million in total.


The events mark some of the highest revenue-generating sporting events ever held in Ireland, with last year’s game witnessing the largest-ever single movement of US citizens outside of the US for an individual sporting event.

'Lasting Legacy'

“This game highlights Ireland’s capacity to host major international sports events and, by hosting such events, we can drive participation levels in sport and build a lasting legacy on so many fronts," said Thomas Byrne, Minister of State for Sport, Physical Education and the Gaeltacht.

"Importantly, this series also delivers trade, tourism, business, community engagement and economic benefits and it strongly positions Ireland as a home for American football in Europe."