Voting Opens For Irish Street Food Awards 2017

By Publications Checkout
Voting Opens For Irish Street Food Awards 2017

Voting has opened for the Irish Street Food Awards 2017, the aim of which is to select an Irish representative to send to the European Street Food Awards in Berlin this September. The vote will be public to begin with and nominations extend to any provider of food on streets as well as in parks, markets and open air venues in general.

As reported by The Irish Times, nominations can be made at until July 7, after which ten finalists will be chosen to take part in a public cook-off at Dún Laoghaire's Beatyard Festival in August.

The awards will be run by food writer Ali Dunworth along with the people behind the Bernard Shaw's Thursday to Sunday outdoor pop-up eatery, Eatyard.

Dunworth declared that "Ireland is in the grip of a street food revolution and we want to celebrate this exciting change to our culinary landscape." She then went on to assert that the food will be judged primarily on its taste because "execution and appearance can be tough when cooking from a truck and using disposables."