EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: BreakfastMe Founder Kevin McGovern

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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: BreakfastMe Founder Kevin McGovern

"In December 2017, we finally cracked." Those were the opening words of Kevin McGovern, founder of BreakfastMe.ie, when Hospitality Ireland asked him about the origins of his company - a seven-day-a-week food delivery service that operates from the early morning through to lunchtime in Dublin city.

Like many people who reside in the Irish capital, McGovern has had his fair share of "wet Dublin mornings" during which he has found himself "struggling to the shop for a roll, waiting for traditional delivery services to open, or staring at an empty fridge." It was situations such as these that inspired McGovern to set up BreakfastMe.

"We decided to find a solution," he told Hospitality Ireland. "While this seemed to be a time of the day ideal for delivery, with most people tired, busy or hungover, there were no options available."

Tired, Busy Or Hungover? No Problem

Two years in and BreakfastMe now delivers essential morning items and food from local venues to homes and offices. He asserted, "Whether you’re tired, hungover or just too busy, we can help."


BreakfastMe currently delivers in the Dublin 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 24 areas, and is partnered with a wide variety of restaurants and cafés such as Farmer Browns, Zambrero, Quiznos and What The Falafel, among many others. In addition, items ordered from the "Morning Essentials" range are collected from the closest venue that offers the desired items, which range from products such as a bottle of Lucozade to a packet of Rizla rolling papers.

While the service was initially limited to the BreakfastMe.ie website, McGovern confirmed that the group has just launched a beta app on the Google Play Store, and the firm also intends to develop an iOS App "once the Android version is complete with feedback." Before the app, BreakfastMe.ie featured a shortcut for Android devices that let mobile users create a direct link to the website on the homepages of their phones.

However, releasing the app is something that the company has been pushing hard, and it is now looking forward to growing its reach across Dublin and beyond. And, if the feedback to date is any indicator, such opportunities may arise sooner rather than later.

Businesses-Consumer Engagement

"We've had tonnes of requests for delivery outside of our current delivery zones, and are extremely grateful to know that the demand and the support are there," McGovern explained. "So, we want to get to everyone as soon as possible. With our new app, BreakfastMe will have the technology to expand our service and look after as many people as possible. People can let us know where to offer our service next by downloading the app or signing up on the website and selecting their desired location."

This feedback is something to which the company is very open, especially when it comes to requests and recommendations for the "Morning Essentials" product range, all of which it takes on board and then actively adds to the range based on the requests and recommendations it receives.


McGovern stated, "We've had requests for all sorts! Mi Wadi, blueberries, Pot Noodles, toilet roll and make-up removal products were all suggested and have been selling well. It’s important to be able to take these requests from customers. We want to ensure we can get exactly what they need or want in the morning delivered."

Healthy Options

While it offers its customers the opportunity to order a wide range of "hangover food", which, traditionally, is not very wholesome, BreakfastMe also offers plenty of healthy and nutritious options.

McGovern proclaimed, "We wanted BreakfastMe to be more than just a hangover service. Convenience should be for everyone. We sought out the best local Irish food businesses to work with and we have not been disappointed. Of course, we want to offer as many choices to customers as possible."

Seeking Retail Partners

While the service does not have a recognised partnership with an affiliated retailer in the country, McGovern revealed that, going forward, the group will be seeking to provide delivery from retailers offering standard morning essentials, as well as from those offering more specialised options.

© 2019 Hospitality Ireland – your source for the latest industry news. Article by Aidan O'Sullivan. Click subscribe to sign up for the Hospitality Ireland print edition.