Champagne Trading Boosted on Liv-Ex Driven by Krug, Bollinger

By Publications Checkout
Champagne Trading Boosted on Liv-Ex Driven by Krug, Bollinger

Bollinger R.D. 2002 Champagne was the top-traded wine by value on the London-based Liv-ex exchange in the week to Thursday 4 February, boosted by interest in vintage Champagne fuelled by the recent release of Krug 2002 to the market, Liv-ex said on its blog.

The Bollinger R.D. 2002 accounted for 3.2 per cent of total trade and was quoted at a trade price of £1,160 pounds for 12 bottles, Liv-ex said.

Among top Bordeaux wines, Chateau Lafite Rothschild accounted for 37 per cent of first-growth trading this week, with Chateau Mouton Rothschild at 24 percent and Chateau Haut Brion at 21 per cent, according to the exchange.

Volume was particularly strong in the Lafite 2012 vintage, which had a trade price of £3,250 a case, and the 2005 vintage of Haut Brion, priced at £5,172. Mouton 2006 also attracted demand, with a trade price of around £3,180 a case.

The Liv-ex Fine Wine 50 Index of top Bordeaux wines climbed in January for the second straight month, the first back-to-back monthly gains since June and erasing the declines of October and November.


In the week to 4 February, Bordeaux accounted for 70.4 per cent of trading on the exchange, compared with 9.6 per cent for Burgundy and 9.4 per cent for Champagne. For 2015 average trading volumes were 74.4 per cent for Bordeaux, 5.9 per cent for Burgundy and 5.8 per cent for Champagne, according to Liv-ex.

News by Bloomberg, edited by Hospitality Ireland