Tourism Projects In Midlands To Receive €32m Boost

By Robert McHugh
Tourism Projects In Midlands To Receive €32m Boost

Fáilte Ireland has announced the first round of approved investment grants for projects under the EU Just Transition Fund, which are being delivered as part of its Regenerative Tourism and Placemaking Scheme 2023-2026, co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the EU.

Twenty-two projects have been approved for a €27.1 million investment under the scheme, which includes walking and cycling trails on former industrial peatlands, and investment in local-authority and state agency tourism and visitor experience projects.

Further Projects

Further projects that are still in the evaluation pipeline are expected to be announced in the coming weeks and months.

Projects span three development categories: feasibility and masterplans, product design and planning, and delivery and construction.

‘New Opportunities’

“These transformative projects, spanning the entire region, will create more reasons for domestic and international tourists to visit Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands and Ireland’s Ancient East, generating new opportunities for employment, empowering local businesses, and enhancing local communities, while strengthening the appeal of the Midlands as a tourist destination for generations to come,” said Paul Kelly, CEO of Fáilte Ireland.


“With further investment in projects to be announced over the coming months, this is a very exciting time for the Midlands.”

Digital Transformation Programme

Fáilte Ireland is also announcing the inclusion of up to 85 tourism enterprises in its EU Just Transition Digital Transformation Programme, which is valued at up to €5.5 million.

A funding scheme for private and community SMEs to provide new and enhanced visitor experiences and low-carbon tourist accommodation remains open for expressions of interest until 30 June 2024, and announcements will be made on these awards later in the year.

‘Sustainable Tourism’

“Ireland can be at the forefront of the EU’s efforts to diversify its economy towards greener and more progressive industries, helping to achieve the EU’s Green Deal goals,” said Barbara Nolan, head of the European Commission Representation in Ireland.

“One of the objectives of the EU’s Just Transition Fund is to support Ireland’s Midlands to further develop the potential of the local economy.

“Investing in sustainable tourism will not only generate local jobs, but is also a step further in positioning the Midlands as an attractive tourist destination in the heart of Ireland.”